Best friend and protector

Hi Alaster,
I promised update for you after 3 months (time flies as has been 4 months) on Kali and how she has progressed. What a joy she is proving to be. I told you when we met I was looking for a best friend as well as a protection dog and she certainly fills both roles with ease.
I remember watching the demonstrations with her doing protection work when we came to see you last June. My first thoughts were how impressive it was, my second thought was can can they really teach a 50 something, 5’2” grandmother of 3 to handle a protection dog.
The answer was absolutely and with ease. The other thought was can a protection dog also be a beloved family pet that takes part in all aspects of our lives? Again she has also filled this role with ease. She mixes with my 18 month old granddaughter right up to my 89 year old mother-in-law.
Four months down the line the importance of the obedience has shown itself many times. Continuing to practice all you have taught me as well as exposing her to the things that she will come across has given her such confidence to blend in with our busy lives.
The Norfolk countryside has presented a few challenges and we have ended up with a few questions, even one thing that was worrying me at 9:30 at night and you so kindly responded even though you had driven back from Germany that day.
You were able to give a few tips on what was needed (me doing things wrong rather then her) and the improvement was instant. You have been there every step of the way which boosted my confidence tremendously. You answered my questions, some which will have been minor, with patience and good humour.
Kali has continued to mix well with the old dogs. She understands she can’t play with them and treats them respectfully over everything.
I want to thank you and your team again for all the effort and dedication that went into this beautiful dog.
Kind Regards,
Mrs E H