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Obedient Pet / Protection Dog

Obedient Pet / Protection Dog

"I Know If The Chips Were Down He Would Take Care Of Me"

There's a phrase I've heard a lot.  The sad reality is that unless trained in the right way a dog won't defend. The development of a protection dog is a slow process nurturing them over two years or more.

Owners of large breed dogs often reassure themselves with the "he'd take care of me " viewpoint yet rarely have I found this to be true and believe me I have tested a fair amount of dogs in my time. Yes at home they can be very vocal in defence of a property but face them with confidence or something a little unusual and you soon start to see the cracks in the vocal armour. Remember a family protection dog should be trained to deal with any level of threat  in any situation. The last time you want to find out your "protection dog"  hasn't been trained to exacting standards is when you call on it to be a protection dog.

The only way to ensure a protection dog will defend is to place it into many varied situations to develop confidence and capability. By doing this and having the right genetics you start to build capable dogs. Lets face it when your investing in family security you should expect the vey best.

At K9protector we select the genetics through our breeding program from established and proven family protection dogs the nurture and develop them through their first two years of life building strong confident adults.

Highly trained protection dogs


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K9 Protector
Strapestone Kennels
Old Down Road

t: 01761 240754