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Protection dogs selection from an early age

Selecting and training a protection dog is a complicated process.

I like to compare it to building a brick wall. You need strong foundations to build a stable and strong wall.

We source from only the very best bloodlines.

If we can identify a candidate protection dog at an early age then they can be nurtured and developed over a longer period of time. Some think protection dogs should be aggressive  and anti social. Sadly there are companies that will train and supply dogs like this.

The essence of a protection dog, however, should be balance, sociability and courage... anything less is dangerous.

You will see so called protection dogs for sale on free-add web sites, the dogs advertised are often kept in poor situations where training is brutal and the animals welfare is not a priority.

For every protection dog sold that is not exceeding their customers expectations it reflects badly on credible protection dog trainers. Talk to a variety of companies and indeed visit several protection dog providers. This will give you a balanced understanding of what's available out there and ultimately help you in this very important decision.

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K9 Protector
Strapestone Kennels
Old Down Road

t: 01761 240754