Protection Guard Dog Puppies For Sale
Training Elite Protection Dog's from puppies
Training of Elite Protection Dogs for the family takes time and patience. To raise a puppy through adolescence exposing this protection dog of the future to every environmental stimulus available is an investment in confidence and development.
Foundation trained juveniles are puppies being trained to be the best Elite family protection dogs for your family. Protection dogs from K9Protector that come from our breeding program are nurtured from birth. Even from week one of life the puppies from the protection dog breeding program are exposed to sound stimulus at low volumes of items such as drills, thunder, hammers, hoovers, lawn mowers, fireworks, gun fire, babies crying, traffic noise etc. As the weeks go by this sound socialization increases in volume. German shepherd puppies from K9Protector are always bred from health screened parents with fabulous working heritage.
We have foundation trained juvenile German Shepherds available.
What does foundation trained puppies mean?
Foundation trained puppies means that we start the hard work so that you can continue to nurture and develop your potential protection dog of the future and if so desired at a later date you can purchase a basic minimum standard course so once mentally able your dog can board with us and train to become your protection dog.
When German shepherd puppies leave us they are taught to walk on a lead. They understand the sit command the down command and are crate trained. Each puppy is fully vaccinated and comes with a pet passport.
German Shepherd Puppies
German shepherd puppies from our foundation trained program are usually aged between 11 weeks and 5 months when they leave us. Some clients feel they want to raise their chosen dog within their family and then have it trained in personal protection.

All German shepherd puppies bred by K9 Protector are from proven personal protection dog parents most of which you will be able to meet and view videos of them working.
If you are interested in a German Shepherd puppy, foundation trained juvenile or a fully trained personal protection dog please give our team a call today.